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Creating Excellence is our passion,

We, at Khoueiry Design & Consultancy (KDC), are a cross-functional engineering team that provides cutting edge Architectural, Engineering design, Construction management services, technical and financial feasibility studies for our clients. From the date of its establishment in 2013, KDC has aadvanced into becoming a well-reputed engineering design company in Lebanon and the MENA region. The main services provided by our team are further explained in the services section and are summarized as follows:

The team at KDC have helped dozens of clients to conceive, design, budget and execute their ideas with a front end loading approach while ensuring end-product efficacy and cost efficiency in order to secure the best value for their invested capital. The unorthodox skill of finding the best combination of design concepts and material selection with respect to cost efficiency and efficacy is a scarce quality that has been developed inside our team with the help of our execution experts and construction team at Khoueiry Engineering & Architecture (KEC). This scarce quality is the result of successful and continuous bilateral communications and feedbacks established between KDC & KEC with regards to market studies, material specifications and costs, labor productivity and availability, etc. which granted our clients the clear vision on the entire creation process of the project from its conception to its delivery.

At KDC, we make use of a highly efficient professional model which provides all-encompassing and all-inclusive quality services to a diverse array of clients. We employ architects, engineers, and technology personnel to make sure that all our projects are developed in-house and are undertaken in a professional manner and completed within schedule deadlines, budget limits and of course with the required quality.

Extensive communication and cooperation within a team work spirit grant us the capability to achieve outstanding results for our clients. The team includes highly trained, experienced and professional Architects, Interior Designers, Graphic Designers, Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers.  

All employed engineers, as well as company owners, are registered and certified members of the Order of Engineers and Architects in Lebanon OEA (Beirut or Tripoli).

...Greatness is only achieved through sacrifice and hard work


In 2013, the three khoueiry brothers, having all finished their engineering degrees, decided to put to life their long awaited plan and ambition to create their own engineering firm which gave birth to Khoueiry Design & consulting (KDC). KDC started its operation in a small office in St Joseph Street in Jbeil, on top of gas station. The first years of this young firm consisted of hard work, long working hours (up to 20 hours per day) and the focus was on acquiring knowledge, experience and competencies as well as getting enough knowledge and connections within the body of authorities having jurisdiction in Lebanon in the building sector.

After almost three years of experience in the engineering and consulting fields, KDC changed its location to a larger office in Jbeil in one of the major commercial hubs at voie 13. The following three years were marked by an expansion in the job market from Jbeil towards Beirut and all the major cities in Lebanon and an increase in the share of awarded jobs within the engineering design market. During this time period, our team expanded around 4 folds and this period was marked by extensive trainings and seminars in the engineering sector to build and enhance the team’s expertise and competence.

Towards the end of 2018, and with the economic crisis seen on the outskirts of 2019, KDC took the hard decision to upgrade their business model and started looking for exposure in the international market in order to compensate the loss of income from the local market. With the help of professional business partners for strategic advices and the dedication of our team, KDC has been able to upgrade their operation and win design and consulting projects in the gulf and MENA region (KSA, Qatar, UAE, Ivory coast, Guinée, Zambia, etc.). The efforts for international exposure are still ongoing with a target to reach areas as far as EU (Spain) and Australia.

Designs Completed
Fresh Ideas
Satistied Clients
Hours of Work
Urban planning
Interior design
Kitchen design
Landscape design
3D modeling and VR
Steel Structure design
Concrete design & modeling
Combined/integrated steel & concrete design
Mechanical systems design
Energy modeling and renewable energy design
Electrical systems design
Electrical load modeling & renewable PV systems
Mechanical & Electrical Infrastructure design
Pool design
Sport facilities design
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Marketing Manager

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Marketing Manager

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Our experts